课题组长 Group leader
TEL: 86-10-82649454
Email: jiandiz@iphy.ac.cn
我目前是表面物理国家重点实验室杰出研究员、北京凝聚态物理国家研究中心首席科学家,博士生导师。1982年在南京理工大学获物理学士学位,1986年在中科院上海原子核研究所获理学硕士学位,1994在美国Syracuse 大学获凝聚态物理专业博士学位。曾先后在美国内布拉斯加大学,田纳西大学及橡树岭国家实验室做博士后研究与工作(1995-1998) 。我于1998-2008年在美国Florida International University担任助理及副教授,并在2008年底以终身正教授加入路易斯安那州立大学。2021年加盟中科院物理所。我曾获得美国自然科学基金的生涯(NSF Career Award)奖,2014成为美国物理学会会士。
I am a distinguished professor at State Key Laboratory for Surface Physics, Institute of Physics, and a chief scientist of Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics. I received my B.S. degree in physics from Nanjing University of Science & Technology (1982), M.S. degree from Shanghai Institute of Nuclear Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (1986), and Ph.D. degree from Syracuse University (1994). After being a postdoc and research associate at University Nebraska, University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1994-98), I became a faculty at Florida International University (1998-2008). I have been a full professor at Louisianan State University (2008-20) before I joined Institute of Physics. I received US NSF Career Award (2004) and became a fellow of American Physical Society in 2014.
研究员 Professor
Email: span@iphy.ac.cn
中国科学院物理研究所、北京凝聚态物理国家研究中心研究员,国家特聘专家,博士生导师。1982年于苏州大学物理系获理学学士学位, 1984年赴美留学德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校,1990年获博士学位后赴瑞士巴塞尔大学从事博士后研究。 1992年受聘任德国汉堡大学应用物理系资深研究员,协助创建德国汉堡微结构国家实验室。 1995年回美国至加州伯克利大学物理系极低温研究中心任研究员。1999年受聘波斯顿大学物理系任副教授。 2001年被休斯顿大学物理系聘为终生正教授及德州超导中心Robert A.Welch 冠名正教授。 2010年加盟中国科学院物理研究所。主要研究方向是用扫描量子隧道显微谱学研究超导及强关联电子系统,同时以科学问题为导向研发先进的扫描探针仪器设备。
I am a Senior research scientist and National Expert in the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics. I received my B.S from Soochow University (1982) and Ph.D. from the University of Texas, Austin (1990). After two years of postdoctoral research in the University of Basel in Switzerland, I became a senior research staff member of the applied physics department at the University of Hamburg in Germany, and participated in the establishment of the National Laboratory for Microstructure Research in Hamburg. In 1995, I returned to the United States and joined the ultra Low temperature physics group in the physics department of the University of California, Berkley. In 1999, I became an associate professor of the physics department in Boston University. In 2001, I moved to the University of Houston and became a tenured full professor of the Physics department and Robert A. Welch Professor at the Texas Center for Superconductivity. In 2001, I joined the Institute of Physics CAS for research in superconductivity and strongly correlated electron systems, and development of advanced scanning tunneling microspectroscopic instruments.
副研究员 Associate professor
Email: liangyan_sf6i@iphy.ac.cn
我目前是中科院物理所的副研究员,我于2021年12月加入张坚地老师的课题组。从2018年1月至2021年12月,我在北京大学彭海琳教授的课题组从事博士后的研究工作。我于2017年12月,在苏州大学获得博士学位,于2012年6月,在苏州大学获得学士学位。我目前的研究兴趣在于氧化物异质界面的构筑和物性研究,比如Bi2O2Se/SrTiO3, oxide/KTaO3 。我擅长于利用分子束外延方法制备超薄膜,并利用扫描隧道显微镜进行表面态的研究。
I am currently an associate scientist at institute of physics. I joined in Zhang’s group in Dec. 2021 after I finish my four years research as a postdoctoral scholar in Hailin Peng‘s group in Peking university. I got my PhD and bachelor degree at the university of Soochow with Jiandong Guo and Hao Yang as my tutors . My current research interest is to construct heterostructures, such as Bi2O2Se/SrTiO3, oxide/KTaO3 and study emergent physical properties. I specialize in growth of ultra thin film with MBE and STM characterization.
副研究员 Associate professor
Email: panch@iphy.ac.cn
我目前是中科院物理所表面实验室的副研究员,我于2022年9月加入张坚地老师的课题组。2020年8月至2022年9月, 我在中科院物理所白雪冬研究员课题组开展博士后的研究工作,并获得博士后面上基金资助和博士后基金特别资助。 2014年9月到2020年6月,在中科院物理所获得博士学位,于2014年6月,在湖北大学获得学士学位。 我专长于高分辨透射电镜表征,例如球差矫正电镜的原子像表征(STEM-HAADF、STEM-ABF)、能量损失谱学(STEM-EELS)、差分相位成像(DPC)、 三维原子成像(AET)等透射电镜技术。我的研究兴趣主要集中在氧化物材料的铁电、铁磁以及磁电耦合性质的研究。 同时,我也致力于开发透射电镜新成像方法研究电磁场成像,三维原子尺度表征等。
I joined in Prof. Zhang’s group as an associate professor in Sep. 2022. I received my Ph.D. degree, and continued my postdoc career in Xudong Bai’s group at Institute of Physics. I got my B.S. degree in physics from Hubei University. I am skilled in high-resolution TEM characterization, such as STEM-HAADF, STEM-ABF, STEM-EELS, DPC and AET. I am focused on the ferroelectrics, ferromagnetism and magnetoelectric coupling in oxide films. I am also interested in developing new technologies in TEM, for example, three-dimensional characterization and new methods for imaging electric and magnetic fields.
TEL: xx
Email: youziyz@iphy.ac.cn
I am currently the secretary of Prof Zhang's group. I graduated from Beijing Technology and Business University in 2015, and my major is economics. I am mainly responsible for the finance and archives works of the group.
Email: suiqiangtao@iphy.ac.cn
我目前是中国科学院物理研究所表面物理国家重点实验室的博士后,合作导师是潘庶亨老师。2014年在东北大学获得物理学士学位。 2022年在中国科学院物理研究所获得凝聚态物理博士学位,导师是邱祥冈老师。同年加入潘老师课题组从事博士后研究。我目前研 究的兴趣是铜氧化物和铁基超导体等非常规超导材料中电子态的衍化行为,以求对超导的理解。同时我也参与扫描隧道显微镜的搭建和调试。 除此之外,我精通亚微米尺寸器件的微加工制备,特别是电子束曝光和聚焦离子束的制备工艺。而且我对亚微米器件的保护和微弱信号的探测有一定的经验。
I am a postdoctoral at State Key Laboratory for Surface Physics, Institute of Physics. My cooperation mentor is Prof. Shuheng Pan. I received my B.S. degree in physics from Northeastern University (2014), and Ph.D. degree from Institute of Physics with Prof. Xianggang Qiu as my supervisor. In order to learn about superconductivity, my current research interests are the evolution behaviors of electron states in unconventional superconducting materials such as copper oxides and iron-based superconductors. Meanwhile, I am also participated in the construction and commissioning of the scanning tunneling microscope. In addition, I am skillful with microfabricated processes for submicron devices, especially using Electron beam lithography (EBL) and focused ion beam (FIB). And I am experienced in submicron devices protection and very weak signal detection.
Email: duxin@iphy.ac.cn
I graduated from Shandong University with a bachelor’s degree in 2016 and then became a PhD student at the Institute of Physics, CAS, supervised by Prof. Pan. Recently I focused on the construction of the ultra-low temperature and high magnetic field scanning tunneling microscope system.
Email: farwa.jabeen789@mails.ucas.ac.cn
"I am a doctoral student at the Institute of Physics, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, under the mentorship of Professor Jiandi Zhang since 2024. Prior to this, I obtained my Master's degree from The Women University, Pakistan in 2021.I am deeply engaged in researching the growth of oxide/nitride heterostructures using molecular beam epitaxy as my main focus. Furthermore, I am actively involved in studying the growth and characterization of thin films and heterostructures, with a special emphasis on exploring and understanding their interface properties."
Email: wzh@iphy.ac.cn
我是物理所张坚地研究员的 2022 级的博士生,2020 年本科毕业于武汉大学微电子科学与工程。 我的研究兴趣是通过分子束外延生长技术制备超薄膜以及构筑异质结,以及研究异质结中的奇特物理现象
I'm a doctor student of Professor Jiandi Zhang in institution of physics since 2022. I graduated from Wuhan University in 2020 and specialized in micro-electronics science and engineering. My reserach interest is the growth of few layer even monolayer thin flim and construction of oxide heterostructure by molecular beam epitaxy and study the interesting phenomenon in these object.
Email: linghaoming21@mails.ucas.ac.cn
After acquiring my B.S. from Sichuan university in 2021, I came to the State Key Laboratory for Surface Physics, Institute of Physics, CAS, and joined Professor Zhang’s group as a graduate student. My research will be about growing some thin films to design the Multi-layer heterogeneous structures, and investigate the interface quantum phenomena.
Email: fanzixin@iphy.ac.cn
I am a second year graduate student jointly trained by the Institute of physics and Suzhou University of science and technology. I joined Zhang's group in June, 2022 and hope to become a doctoral student soon. I am currently using PLD for epitaxial growth of perovskite oxides.
Email: lidy@iphy.ac.cn
I am currently a graduate student at the Institute of Physics, CAS, under the supervision of Prof. Zhang. My current research interests revolve around the growth and characterization of thin films and heterostructures, as well as the exploration and investigation of their interface properties.
Email: konglingyuan@iphy.ac.cn
I am currently a first-year graduate student jointly trained by Hebei University and the Institute of Physics. I joined Zhang's group in January 2024.My research interests revolve around the synthesis of ultra-thin films and the construction of heterojunctions via molecular beam epitaxy.
Email: taishaojie23@mails.ucas.ac.cn
I am currently a postgraduate student at the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, under the supervision of researcher Zhang Jindi. I graduated from Lanzhou University with a bachelor's degree in 2020. My research interests revolve the growth of ultra-thin films and the study and regulation of the strange physical properties of the surface and the interface.
Email: lichengkai23@mails.ucas.ac.cn
I am currently a graduate student at the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and my supervisor is Professor Zhang Jiandi. I graduated from Beijing Institute of Technology with a bachelor's degree in 2023. My research interests mainly focus on the growth of oxide/nitride heterostructures using molecular beam epitaxy. Additionally, I am involved in precise measurements and analysis of their electrical transport and magnetic properties.
Email: hukai@iphy.ac.cn
I am currently a second-year master's student at Hubei University. I joined Prof. Jiandi Zhang's team in August 2024. My research interest is in the study of polarization phenomena in ferroelectric thin films using Spherical aberration-corrected transmission electron microscopy and Transmission electron microscopy.
Email: ranfeng@iphy.ac.cn
毕业去向:南方科技大学 博士后
Graduation destination: Postdoctoral Fellows at Southern University of Science and Technology
中国科学院物理研究所 Institute of Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences